Main Regulations

Ley N° 17.319: General legal framework of hydrocarbons in the Argentine Republic.

Ley N° 27.007: Amendments to the general legal framework for hydrocarbons

Decreto N° 872/2018: Call for Offshore Public Tenders by the Secretary of Energy.

Resolución MINEN N° 65/2018: Call for International Public Competition for Offshore Areas - Round 1.

Resolución MINEM N° 197/2018: Offshore Surface Recognition Regulations.

Ley N° 26.659: Prohibition of operations relating to the Malvinas Islands.

Decreto N° 927/2013: Capital Goods covered by tariff positions.

Decreto N° 929/2013: Investment Promotion Regime for the Exploitation of Hydrocarbons.

Other Relevant Regulations

Decreto N° 44/91: Regulates the transportation of hydrocarbons by pipelines, gas pipelines, polyducts and/or any other service provided by means of permanent and fixed installations for the transportation, loading, dispatch, capture, compression, conditioning and treatment of the same.

Ley N° 24.076: Regulatory framework for the natural gas market in Argentina.

Decreto N° 1738/1992: Regulations under Law N° 24.076.

Resolución SE N° 105/1992: Standards for environmental protection for hydrocarbon activity in exploration and exploitation.

Resolución SE N° 319/1993:: Regulation and procedures relating to the obligation to provide primary data and other information to the Authority of Application.

Resolución SE N° 5/1996: Well Abandonment.

Resolución ENARGAS 419/1997: Transport Capacity Resale Regulations.

Resolución ENARGAS 1483/2000: Allocation of Firm Transport Capacity.

Resolución SE N° 5/2004: Discount ceilings for the calculation of royalties on pipeline transport.

Resolución SE N° 407/2007: Registration of Oil Companies.

(*) The regulations referred to are not intended to be a complete, definitive or binding compilation of all the regulations applicable to offshore hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation, but only a list of the main regulations in force applicable to such activity, in order to facilitate their understanding. Interested companies should consult with specialists in the field for a thorough knowledge of the applicable regulations.